House GOP

Justin Amash First To Break With Republicans Over Trump Impeachment

Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich. at the Capitol, July 24, 2013. (AP/J. Scott Applewhite)
In what may be the most material development of the day, moments ago GOP Representative Justin Amash (R-Mich.) said the report that President Trump pressured ousted FBI Director James Comey to end an investigation would merit impeachment if true, becoming the first Republican lawmaker to break from the party and hint at impeachment.

"It is American families who pay the real price of [the House GOP radicals'] extreme policies" (CAP Action War Room)

Mike Keefe (click to enlarge)"The party's leadership gave in to a minority of its members who are devoted to pushing devastating cuts to working- and middle-class families in pursuit of rigid and impractical ideological principles. The result has been a government in a state of perpetual dysfunction.

After Bibi: Maybe the solution to the Boehner Problem is to consider whether we really, absolutely need a House speaker

Plus some thoughtier thoughts than Bibi's on IranOkay, I admit I fell crazy mad in love with this "manufactured" image when our colleague Gaius Publius shared it in his pre-speech post yesterday, and I would likely have taken advantage of any remotely contrivable opportunity to recycle it.

Just for the record, we all know that the Ooh That Damn Obama Party was never going to play nice with the president, don't we?

Yeah, theze guyz wuz really gonna do a heapa cooperatin' with Ooh That Damn Obama."[Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell's conciliatory statements are encouraging, but he's about to discover that he cannot persuade Republican Senators and Congressmen to cooperate on anything constructive. We're about to get two years of intense, horrifying stupidity.

So, freeloading House GOP junketeers really do have some sense of . . . well, not shame exactly, but something sort of related

House Ethics Committee Chair Michael Conaway (R-TX) -- a fine ethicist who grasps the evil of "duplicative paperwork""These kinds of backroom deals and changing of the rules in the middle of the night is exactly why Congress has a lower approval rating than cockroaches and traffic jams."-- Rep.

Ba-a-ad Republcans! Ba-a-ad Republcans!

"Not since my children were 3 or 4 years old," says NY Democratic Rep. Louise Slaughter, "have I seen such obstinate inability to accept the facts."by KenThe Republican shutter-downers think they can hornswoggle American into believing that they're just trying to get a fair hearing from those Kremlin-red Democrats, including the president, for their noble ideas. Of course, they have no noble ideas, and there's a reason why they can't get a fair hearing.

Who gave the House Republicans the pencil?

One of New York's greatest buildings, Cass Gilbert's U.S. Custom House, is now home to the Museum of the American KenIt's one of New York's greatest buildings, the Beaux Arts former U.S. Custom House (1902-07) designed by Cass Gilbert, standing proudly below and overlooking historic Bowling Green, near the southern tip of Manhattan -- and now home to the Museum of the American Indian (and also a Citi Bike bike-sharing depot).

The DAmN Party (aka GOP) rampages onward in its take-no-prisoners assault on truth, justice, and the American way

Confirmation yesterday by the Senate Judiciary Committee was the second step toward the failure of Nina Pillard's nomination to the District Circuit Court of Appeals, which began with the president's announcement of her KenI had to really scrutinize a "Fix" item the other day, "Ted Cruz vs.