
This Natural Food Combo may Beat Steroids in Treating Chronic Cough

Have you ever experienced a long-lasting cough, unable to find a solution after going through a string of pharmaceutical medications? Fortunately, one study looking at natural alternatives to medications found what could sometimes be a superior alternative – a combination of honey and coffee – for the treatment of persistent post-infectious cough (PPC).

How Some Hotels are Creating ‘Rooftop Bee Sanctuaries’ to Help Bee Populations

The world’s honeybees are in rapid decline. Due to pesticide exposure, disease, and more, there are 70% fewer of them now than there were just 70 years ago. A number of hotels in San Francisco are sympathetic to the plight of these vital pollinators, and have turned their rooftops into sanctuaries for the fuzzy, winged creatures.

This State may Become the 1st to Ban the Sale of Bee-Killing Neonicotinoids

Maryland has nearly become the first state in the U.S. to ban the sale of neonicotinoids, a class of pesticides which are a major contributor to the decline of honeybees.
Two bills previously cleared the Maryland State Senate and Maryland House of Delegates. The bills’ similarities were to likely to result in them being combined into a single piece of legislation to be sent to Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s desk, where it could be signed into law.

Try This Easy Homemade Sleep Remedy With Just 4 Ingredients

We’ve talked a lot about how important it is to get your sleep at Natural Society. It helps to regulate hormones, lower stress, and even staves off obesity and the diseases that are associated with it. Instead of heading to the pharmacy to take an over-the-counter sleep med that may be harmful to your health, try this simple, 4-ingredient home-made sleep remedy.

What Are The Most Effective Natural Antibiotics? — DONE

And How They Are Best Used

Nature has provided thousands of natural medicines over millennia. Most people are unaware but virtually all pharmaceutical medications originally came from the plants of the Earth. After they were proven effective in treating various ailments, the Pharmaceutical Industry then created synthetic variants which they could patent. In this way they retained the exclusive rights to earn revenues from their patents over a specific period of time.

What Happens When You Give Up Sugar for an Entire YEAR?

For most people the idea of giving up sugar for an entire year is more than daunting. It isn’t as if you would just give up your favorite dessert, but you would also have to give up almost every food sold in the grocery store (…almost every food). To a woman named Eve Schaub, this was not an insurmountable task, but her family’s journey into no-sugar-land was quite eye-opening.

Studies Reveal Honey ‘The Answer’ to Resistant Superbugs

Antibiotic drug use has spawned a host of devastating side effects, including the rise of unstoppable ‘superbugs’ and even an increased incidence of cancer. The answer of the medical establishment has been to create harsher antibiotics, which in turn have led to the creation of even more superbugs. Clearly it’s time for a different way to deal with troublesome microbes, and research is showing that honey fits the bill.