honey bees

Bee-Killing Neonics Found in 50% of Rivers and Streams Sampled in Study

The Midwestern United States first saw a burgeoning problem with super weeds, caused by GMOs. Now in a study conducted by researchers from the United States Geological Survey who collected samples from 9 sites in Nebraska and Iowa, it was found that neonicotinoids, otherwise known as bee-killing pesticides, were present in varying amounts in every single river and stream.

More than Half a Million Londoners Protest the Killing of the Bees by Biotech

This weekend you can see a host of individuals dressed as bees in Parliament Square to protest biotech’s detrimental effect on the pollinators which are so important to our food supply. The activists involved in the event are trying to bring light to the decision of the UK parliament to allow farmers to spray toxic neonicotinoids on their crops.