
N.Y. Post: Biden’s “Authentic Frontier Gibberish” in Arizona Victory Tour

New York Post, August 9, 2023 Joe’s Bidenomics victory tour is a bust on Day One By James Bovard Joe Biden’s re-election campaign kicks into high gear this week with the president and Cabinet secretaries blanketing the nation to boast about Bidenomics. But CNN reports more than half of Americans believe “the economy is still […]

“Redacted” joins larger group of journalists that get it about Ukraine [Video]

There is a relatively new (to my eyes, anyway) daily or almost daily video chat show on YouTube. It is called Redacted. From their YouTube channel, here is the description of Redacted and its hosts: We all want to be informed; our constitutional “right to know” should not be compromised by media-driven falsehoods and corporate […]

Biden insults LEGAL immigrants by promoting people who break immigration laws [Video]

Liberal people really are out of their minds. We have prime examples of this by simply listening to the thoughts of Imposter Joe and Cackling Kamala… well, more often Imposter Joe. Kamala is too busy hiding and only appearing in her inane push to actually become President.  Joe Biden spoke to a group of immigrants at […]