Homeland Security

So, just to be clear, the NSA is or is NOT "Peeping While You're Sleeping"?

LibertyManiacs.comby KenI missed this story the last time around, in November, when our Washington Post "In the Loop" pal Al Kamen originally reported on the lawsuit filed by Public Citizen on behalf of a vendor who had dared to misappropriate its apparently sacred seal, and that of the Department of Homeland

The Logic behind Mass Spying: Empire and Cyber Imperialism

By James Petras :: 11.16.2013 

Revelations about the long-term global, intrusive spying by the US National Security Agency (NSA) and other allied intelligence apparatuses have provoked widespread protests and indignation and threatened ties between erstwhile imperial allies.
Allied regimes have uniformly condemned NSA espionage as a violation of trust and sovereignty, a threat to their national and economic security and to their citizens’ privacy.

Will Jeh Johnson Make the Homeland More Secure?

Jeh Johnson, President Obama’s pick to replace outgoing Secretary Janet Napolitano as head of the Department of Homeland Security, will appear before the Senate Homeland Security Committee this week for his confirmation hearing. Johnson is an obscure figure to the general public, but his likely confirmation does not bode well for human rights, or your civil liberties. Johnson is a civil and criminal trial lawyer who made millions defending corporations such as Citigroup and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco.

Canada Is The Worse Israel Butt Kissing Country On Earth: Canada Contributes To Illegal Occupation Of Palestine - Harper's Conservatives Promote Military Ties To Israel!

I had just put up an amazing video in my last article that shows the truth about how Canada now shows itself openly as being nothing more than Israel's b*tch.   I have long said that this proud nation has now slid down the road to tyranny and the Harper government in Ottawa does nothing more than obey anything that Israel demands and desires.... It is absolutely sickening to behold...Now I discover that there is more to this sad story about how my Canada is on the road to ruin with its outright and tragic support for the criminally psychotic state of Israel....

28 Years Ago The Philadelphia Police Department Bombed and Burned a City Block

Photo credit: Cherri Gregg/via CBS Philly
The 1993 Waco siege is often categorized as one of the more violent, militaristic, domestic actions by U.S. law enforcement in recent memory. And it should be. At the Branch Davidian’s “compound” a fatal combination of government arrogance, fear, impatience, and aggression lead to 76 bodies, including 20 children.

Large NATO Delegation Tours New Mexico Nuclear Facilities

U.S. Department of Defense
May 9, 2013
NATO Delegation Visits New Mexico Facilities
By Sheryl Hingorani
Sandia National Laboratories
KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. – A group of NATO officials are learning about work being done to support the extended nuclear deterrence mission and broader national security programs, ranging from homeland security to global nonproliferation efforts, during a three-day visit to Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M.