Home Remedies

6 of the Best Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Pharmaceutical drugs prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis number in the hundreds. If they really worked so well, you have to ask yourself – why do we need so many? There are numerous natural remedies for arthritis that are just as beneficial for reducing the pain and swelling which causes arthritis, specifically, from the root cause of inflammation in the body.

Kidney Cleanse: 22 Foods for Kidney Health

Kidney cleanses have been utilized since ancient times to keep the kidneys free of calcium deposits. These calcium accumulations can sometimes increase to the size of a kidney stone. You’ll usually know when you have a kidney stone because the pain can be excruciating. Thankfully, both kidney cleanses and consuming essential foods for kidney health are sound ways to prevent complications.

How You’re Probably Chewing and Drinking Yourself Sick

The correct process of eating has been handed down by indigenous cultures to subsequent generations throughout the ages. Unfortunately, these common sense ‘rules’, which had been followed for millennia until the modern era, are no longer observed by most people.  The ensuing imbalance and excess throughout the GI tract has been a contributing factor to various modern-day ills and ailments.

The Essential Gallbadder Flush and Liver Cleanse: Key to Optimal Health

Seasonal cleanses have been customary within indigenous societies for millennia. These herbal and food-based cleansing therapies were usually performed during the change of seasons. The transitions that occur during the Autumn and Spring months are quite conducive for release of ‘the old’ in order to make room for ‘the new.’ Leaves die in the Fall, new growth sprouts in the Spring.

Beet Borscht: A Natural Way to Cleanse a Congested Liver

The liver is the major detoxification organ of the body. In light of the unprecedented amount of chemical toxicity which now permeates the food supply and water sources, the average American liver is quite burdened and imbalanced. Often times, the liver will become so congested with “liver sludge” that its major detoxification pathways will become severely compromised.