hollywood ten

Jay Dyer – Tragedy & Hope 7: Cold War PsyOps & the Bomb Almighty

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
We continue the 7th lecture with the rise of the military industrial complex, the Cold War and its massive espionage apparatus, the psychological warfare behind the “bomb almighty,” as well as the real Illuminati again peeking through the pages of Quigley to reveal their faces.  This is one of the most important sections of Tragedy and Hope – a must-listen! 
Youtube Version:

Porkins Policy Radio episode 35 Executive Action

Welcome back, everyone, to Porkins Policy Radio! This long-awaited return of PPR marks our 35th episode!

 For this milestone in Porkins Policy history we were joined by our very good friend Tom Secker to discuss the 1973 JFK conspiracy thriller Executive Action. Starring Burt Lanchaster and Robert Ryan, this film follows the exploits of a right-wing cabal of businessmen, politicians and ex-intelligence operatives as they plot and carry out the assassination of John F. Kennedy.