holiday gifts

DWT’s 2019 Holiday (Not Christmas) Gift Ideas For Republicans, Part 2: The Why Can’t Donnie Read Edition

-by NoahI know that, generally, the idea of giving a book to a Republican seems, at first, unnatural but let’s be fair. Someone is buying all that printed sewage by Ann Coulter and even such Republican luminaries as Sarah Palin and Donald Trump put out books, whether they actually wrote them or could read them or not. Even Donnie Junior has a book out under his very own name.

Presenting DWT’s 2019 Holiday (Not Christmas) Gift Ideas For Republicans

-by NoahEach year at this time, I, out of the innate goodness of my heart, compile a list of gifts that I find suitable for any Republican. Of course, the gifts will have no effect on the behavior of such people. You can never expect fanatics and the insane to change. After all, how can a simple gesture of such good will change an ill mind? But, there’s a big problem.

Holiday Gift Ideas For Republicans: DWT’s Annual List Of Gift Suggestions For Malformed Minds!

by NoahYep. It’s that wonderful holiday time of year again! Oh joy! There’s a new drunk on the “Supreme” Court. The biggest tax scam ever is now in place thanks to greedy repugs and those who vote for them. Carcinogenic pollutants are now free to fill our air and water like never before. Kushner’s pal is carving up journalists whenever he takes time off from beheading women.

DownWithTyranny’s Annual List Of Great Gift Ideas For Republicans!

-by NoahFor anyone new to DWT, every year at this time, I put together a list of things that I think you might want to consider giving that crazy Republican uncle or totally demented Trumpie neighbor for the holidays. Be careful wishing them Merry Christmas, though. That might shatter their world view.I’ll dispense with the usual sheet and hood ensembles that most Republicans already have.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahIt's almost October! That means it's not to early to start buying some holiday gifts (eat it, Repugs, I said 'holiday' not Christmas) for your friends and relatives, even that proverbial crazy Republican uncle who hasn't been committed to an asylum, yet. These fine book suggestions may be just the thing! Expect a bound set soon! Don't delay! "Wait What!" is sure to sell out instantly.

Some Gift Ideas Of Noah's Christmas Past (Plus Hanukkah Ideas, And Ideas For Trumpf Voters)

Yes, we even have Hanukkah suggestions -- see Nos. 3 and NoahA couple of weeks ago, I presented this year’s installment of my annual gift suggestions for the holiday season ("The Year Of The Trumpocalypse: Noah’s Annual Holiday Gift Suggestions, For 2016 And Beyond; If There Is a Beyond!"). But why stop there? I always try, dear readers, to find things that might have previously escaped your notice.

The Spirit Moves Me: My 2015 Holiday Gift Suggestions

Including Fantasy Gift Ideas For Republicans! By NoahThe ads! The ads! These retailers! It’s worse than the political ads!Then, there’s the usual endless local news coverage of the pillaging, people camping out in the cold just to be the first in the store. The Visigoths were better behaved.I’m already so sick of hearing “It’s that most wonderful time of the year”. I’m so sick of Kay Jewelers ads.

Santa's had his crack at facilitating the kiddies -- why not give Satan a shot?

You might think that the Prince of Darkness has more important things than answer foolish letters from childen, but apparently not."[I]f you really want a job that allows you to make a great deal of money in a fast and unethical way (a rather admirable goal in my opinion), you can go ahead and send me your résumé.