

John Adams of Hoaxbusters Call joins Jay Dyer to dismantle and deconstruct the Old Time End Time religion and its uses for social engineering and geopolitical ends. We will tackle premillennialism and the “rapture,” CIA and other Pentagon agencies using these tactics, biblical texts and preterism, as well as taking  SUPERCHAT QUESTIONS.
Purchase my book Here.

Old Controversy Returns: Was Moon Landing A Hoax?

Let's have fun with this one. Internet commentator, Paul Romano, tells why he thinks the moon landing was a hoax. Scientists now working on a flight to Mars say it cannot be done until the problem of Van Allen Belt radiation is solved. The Van Allen Belt is a region of such intense radiation that it would be fatal for humans to pass through it without sufficient shielding. Scientists say there is no way to do that with present technology. Well, how about that! The Moon also is beyond the Van Allen Belt - way beyond.

/POL/ Q Clearance Anon 4Chan #Happening Decoded in Full +++ (Half) – Jay Dyer

The rumor mill of 4Chan has speculated that I am a secret leaker and that the Trump Administration is about to bring the heat to the criminals. Is this “leak” real? In this talk I reverse engineer the “leak” to lead us in the accurate direction of what actually IS going on, long term. As such, Q functions as a lesson plan for real analysis.

Hollywood Cults & Blackmail Operations – Jay Dyer & Clyde Lewis

Stream or download audio here.
Tonight, I thought that it would be important to speak candidly, that is if it can be candid about the swarm of allegations of sexual misconduct not only coming from Hollywood, but also the potential of more lurid allegations being brought forward in the political arena.

Social Justice Warrior’s Luciferian Technocracy – Thursday Live – Jay Dyer / Davis Aurini

I’m (Davis Aurini) joined by Jay Dyer to discuss his work into analysing symbolism in film, and the Luciferian, technocratic, Utopian agenda that runs through so much of our modern art and political philosophy. Check out his website, his YouTube channel, and his new television series “Hollywood Decoded” – his work is here:
Subscribe to me on Vidme: https://vid.me/Davis_MJ_Aurini
My blog: http://www.staresattheworld.com/

Genderless FUTURE – Jay Dyer on H.G. Wells Luciferian Open Conspiracy (Free Half)

A genderless from the FUTURE honors HG Wells, the prophet. Yes, the plan of the future is to live inside or above a Wal Mart, Target or Google City. Quite Literally. Moving on in our globalist books series, we cover HG Wells baffling and Satanic text, The Open Conspiracy. The 1935 text is a comparable companion to Bertrand Russell’s works and the rest of the Quigley Crew. The Open Conspiracy proposes the New World Order is itself the new religion of the future. The full talk can be obtained below.

Hollywood is Weird & Gross: Weinstein, IT & Creeper Cults – Jay Dyer

Harvey Weinstein is being portrayed as the root of all problems in Hollywood – “patriarchal males” – as if this were a feminism issue. The root problem is much worse, which is the systematic using of people and children, as well as promoting a mass agenda that is intent on damaging humans globally. Hollywood is a weaponized covert operation of mind control and cults that is, thank God, falling apart.
Purchase my book here.

Las Vegas Shooting False Flag? – Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

This week the SUNDAY WIRE is broadcasting LIVE from the US as guest hosts Jay Dyer and ACR’s Hesher are joined by special guest Shawn Helton, and other special guests Basil Valentine, ACR’s Funk Soul, and a report by Patrick Henningsen from the 2040 Transhumanist Agenda conference in London. will be delivering a powerful (and highly controversial) show this week – covering the biggest stories internationally including the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas.