
Porkins Policy Radio episode 171 Ryan Carey on Nick Drnaso’s Sabrina

Ryan Carey joins me this week for an in-depth discussion of Nick Drnaso’s latest comic Sabrina. We started off the conversation on a totally unrelated matter and discussed the recent reporting on former CIA operative turned Batman writer, Tom King. We then shifted back Sabrina and the way it captures the bleak reality that so many of us find ourselves enmeshed in. Ryan and I discuss the books plot which revolves around the murder of a young woman named Sabrina, how two friends Teddy and Calvin deal with it, and the role that conspiracy theory plays throughout.

Rudy Giuliani declares that Russiagate probe will blow up in Mueller’s own face (VIDEO)

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani wasn’t mincing words as he directly called the Mueller special investigation a massive hoax:

“What do [sic] we need to know, that this is a totally illegitimate investigation, based on a report, a ‘dossier’, that was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats; probably the biggest illegality so far, the biggest collusion so far… completely made up… led to nothing except several fraudulent FISA wires, and now we have Mueller, who doesn’t seem to care that he is sitting on top of a totally illegitimate investigation.”

13-Year Old Black Boy Lied about White Supremacists Robbing and Beating Him

Houston: 13-year-old Zavion Parker claimed he was grabbed by an adult and four young men after stepping off his school bus. He said that they robbed and beat him, and threatened him with a gun because he was black. The incident was featured in the local media. Now it has been determined that the story was a hoax. The people who live on the property where Zavion says the incident occurred have been harassed and threatened by the black community. [...]

I am sure you heard the news that we are all going to die.

First seen on RedPillTimes
One of the Great Modern Hoaxes of the 20th and 21st centuries has got to be the notion of Global Warming.  This is the meteorological phenomenon that happens when too many politicians talk about ways to take your money at once.  All that exhaled carbon dioxide has been classified by the EPA as a ‘pollutant’ and so the political figures who go on and on about this impending doom are really creating it by the act of opening their mouths and speaking about it.