
Jay Dyer’s Esoteric Hollywood: 2001 A Space Odyssey Decoded

In this episode of Esoteric Hollywood I break down Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and its esoteric meaning. Included are my rebuttals of the Neo-Darwinian philosophy that underpins the narrative, as well as the exotheology mythos that it seeks to evangelize with. 2001 is a technical achievement but also a tremendous propaganda piece that concludes with gnostic transhumanism.
Intro theme: “Dream Agent” by Ariel Electron, Holeg Spies and Thierry Gotti on the “Kore Kosmou” album.

Perfect Control Without Further Fear: A Psychobiography of L. Ron Hubbard

©James L. Kelley 2015
Southern California, circa 1948. A depressed, impotent Navy veteran named L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986) angles his shoulders toward a customized high-speed typewriter. His dim, narrow eyes begin to glint as his fingers strike the keys. This, however, will be a new type of writing for Hubbard, who has long-since made his name as a penny-a-word pulp writer…

Did NASA Confirm an Asteroid to Hit Earth September 2015, only to Deny Any Knowledge of It Later? What the Hell?

Many of us have been hearing from different sources about a coming asteroid or meteor, which is supposed to wreak havoc on earth and wipe out the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, somewhere around September 15, 2015. Supposedly a “source” “confirmed” that a 2.5 mile wide comet which researchers supposedly have been studying for years is scheduled to…

U.S. & Global Economic Collapse? World War 3? Civil War? Race War? Secret Super-Sized Comet to hit Earth in September? What the Hell is going on?

Here are some headlines that should wake you up, maybe even motivate you to get up and do something to get ready before its too late. Here goes;  The Sh*t Is About To Hit The Fan, Former Goldman Sachs Director said | The Public Has Been Set Up For Slaughter – It Doesn’t Have A Chance | Upcoming Cataclysmic,…

Hoax or did FBI Really Report that None Died at Sandy Hook?

  One lead investigator of Sandy Hook, Major William Podgorski, recently died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49. Podgorski took with an illness and was taken to the hospital, had surgery and died without cause being known. Another investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has…