History of FEE

The Wacky World of 1932

Any astute reader will ask: “Why in the world would the Foundation for Economic Education publish this sort of thing?” Well, consider the original publication date. Then look at the publisher: The Nation, the leading journal of liberal opinion at the time. Then look at the editor: Henry Hazlitt, author of Economics in One Lesson and a FEE trustee. You might expect, then, that there is a huge backstory here.

What FEE Means Today

Can an institution have a heart and soul? In one sense, an institution is only as effective and meritorious as the people who run it. Still, a spirit can pervade an institution with a deep history and a long-lasting commitment to high ideals. This spirit can provide guidance in hard times, add influence in good times, and carry its managers, donors, and employees to new heights of achievement.