Historical Realism

Pete Papaherakles – Trump, populism, & revisionism

On Saturday, March 5, I sat down with Pete Papaherakles to discuss Donald Trump, America-first populism, and historical revisionism. Above you can watch all four video interviews I conducted with Pete, or you can visit my YouTube channel to watch and/or share the videos individually.
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John Friend Talks About The Jewish Question with Justin Garcia

I call in at the 1 hour 54 minute mark and stay on the line for about 1 hour. Check out The Pressure Project – they are doing some of the best podcasts I know of.

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Israeli Travel Agencies Collude To Increase Price of “Holocaust” Education Trips

According to a report recently published by The Times of Israel, Israeli law enforcement officials and investigators have arrested nine suspects in what Israeli authorities are describing as an organized effort by private travel agencies to artificially increase the price of “Holocaust” education brainwashing trips to Poland for Israeli school children.

95-year-old Former Auschwitz Medic To Stand Trial For 3,000+ Murders

A ninety-five-year-old former medic at the Auschwitz labor and detention camp, whose inmates were generally well cared for and provided much needed labor at the various industrial facilities in the area during WWII, is set to stand trial in Germany next month “on at least 3,681 counts of accessory to murder, German authorities said Monday.” The Times of Israel reports: