Hispanic voters

Is America Really Ready For A Con Artist As President-- One As Blatant As Trump?

It's not like all of his Republican rivals haven't mentioned over the course of the primary campaign that Trump is a con man. They did. But now, whether tribally or opportunistically, most of them want to force that con man onto the country. Is it hard for you to imagine that the majority of Republican political leaders would put their party first and the country last?

DCCC Blowing The Trump Advantage With Incomprehensible Recruitment In Latino-Rich Districts

Trump has certainly been a catalyst for increased voter registration among Hispanics. A national poll of Hispanic voters indicates that Latino voter participation in November is going to break all records and that, overwhelmingly, it's because of animus towards Trump and the Republican Party.

Bernie Sanders, Integrity & the Nevada Caucus "English Only" Controversy

Dolores Huerta, one of the great Latina activists and a Hillary Clinton surrogateby Gaius PubliusIf Clinton wins, she'll need the Sanders supporters in November. Is the the way to woo them?I hadn't planned to write about this, the dust-up raised by actress America Ferrara and Delores Huerta, one of the great Latina activists and long-time Clinton supporter, supposedly about Sanders voters yelling "English only" during one of the Nevada caucuses.

Bernie Really Is A Better Candidate Than Hillary

Hillary's not a good candidate for several reasons, electability being one, her record of leadership being another. Obviously she's better on the issues-- all of the issues-- than Cruz or Christie or Rubio or any of those clowns. But that's a really low bar. The problem with her, policy-wise is that she's a flip-flopping opportunist who has been consistent on one thing: watching which way the parade is headed and then running to the front when it's absolutely safe to do so. For example, it took Hillary quite a long time to come around on LGBT equality.

Demographics Could Kill The GOP Off-- But Not In Congress, Not While Pelosi Controls The DCCC

Steve Israel and his new DCCC "chairman"Probably the two top recommendations of the Republican Party's official autopsy gf the Romney campaign were that the party had to make itself more attractive to Latinos and more attractive to young voters. The response from the Republican party base was not just hostile... it was the emergence of Herr Trumpf.