Hispanic voters

Will Beto Be America's First Latino President? The Same Way Bill Clinton Was America's First Black President?

Syndicated columnist and Fox News commentator Ruben Navarrette claims he's "the most widely read Latino columnist in the country, and the 16th most popular columnist in America." His perspective is distinctly right-of-center and over the weekend he was on the pretty massive anti-Beto bandwagon-- using political correctness against him (cultural appropriation-- which even liberals are starting to hate).

California Has Just 7 Republicans Left In Congress. After Next Year... That Should Fall To 4-- Thanks Latino Voters

Devin Nunes is unlikely to survive the 2020 electionIn 2016, 7 California congressional districts voted for Trump over Hillary. Another 7 voted to elect a Republican to Congress, while rejecting Trump. All 7 of the seats that rejected Trump but voted to keep Republicans in Congress flipped to Democrats in 2018.

Is A Modoc County Strategy The Republican Party's Path To Winning Back California?

Republicans have been having a rough time in California ever since the party decided it would be smart policy to demonize Hispanic voters, in the same way Trump does today. 1994's explicitly anti-immigrant Proposition 187 destroyed the GOP as a viable party with Hispanics and to some extent with Asians.

Por Favor Vote Hoy-- PorTodo Nuestro Bien

This isn't a new poll but it could be the numbers we see on our TV screens tonight. Say a prayer. A result like that in Texas today is going to be dependent on, among other things, Latino turnout. Virtually all polling models assume Latinos will not turn out in large numbers. If that changes today, say goodbye to Ted Cruz and... HELLO BETO! Nearly 39% of Texans are Latino. BETO will win if they vote today in larger numbers than has been usual.

Is Florida Salvageable For The Democrats In November-- One Democrat In Particular

Bill Nelson will be 76 in SeptemberThere are no guarantees in electoral politics, but right now the smart bet would be that the Democrats win a majority in the House, maybe even substantial majority. The Senate is a lot tougher. Winning back the Senate, means that the Democrats keep all the red state seats that Trump won that they hold and pick up 2 more, bringing their caucus to 51 and redicinging the Republicans' down to 49.

The Republicans Only Have One Hope To Maintain Control Of The House: DCCC Incompetence

Following up on today's long early morning post about how badly the GOP is screwing up 2018 for themselves, I want to warn that the DCCC can pull a rabbit out of the hat and lose enough districts so the GOP keeps control of the House True... it will be difficult but that is, after all, the only thing the DCCC is good at. They know how to screw up an election.

The Republican War Against Immigrants Will Backfire In Their Faces-- It Always Does

I guess eventually Trump will stand in front of bit and pieces of border wall and claim he built it. I maybe Congress will feel sorry for him and toss him a few dollars to build a little piece of wall himself. Other than that-- despite what the neo-Nazis claim-- that wall ain't happening. A few days ago Sessions was in Nogales, a border town in Raúl Grijalva's district.

Trump-- Least Racist Person You Ever Met-- Has Justice Department Supporting Racism In Texas Already

[Also: no puppet, no puppet]I guess it was predictable enough that the new Attorney General, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, a notorious racist who famously explained that what he didn't like about his old comrades at the KKK is that they smoke too much pot, would change the tone of the Justice Department when it comes to equality. The Justice Department has been for it and is now against it.