
Remembering One of Humanity’s Worst Catastrophes Seventy Seven Years On

President Harry S. Truman’s decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki set the groundwork for an era of U.S. global hegemony and enriched corporations like General Electric, DuPont, Union Carbide, Bechtel and Westinghouse which made hundreds of billions of dollars developing generation after generation of “first-strike” nuclear weapons. U.S. leaders, intent on provoking […]

Why Did the U.S. Nuke Civilians?

A bombed-out temple in Nagasaki It is an atomic bomb. It is the greatest thing in history. — President Harry S. Truman (August 6, 1945) One of the seemingly endless Good [sic] War myths goes a little something like this: The U.S. had no choice but to drop atomic bombs on civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. […]
The post Why Did the U.S. Nuke Civilians? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Hiroshima Day— Threat of Actual Use of Nuclear Weapons, Accidental or Intended, is Increasing

This year has been extremely threatening in terms of the rise of big power rivalry and tensions. First, the escalation of the Ukraine crisis with Ukraine becoming a proxy country in the real conflict between the USA and Russia has led to tensions worsening steadily. What is most worrying is that unlike in the case of most recent wars, no[Read More...]

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Calls for Escalating US Aggression against Russia

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists emerged after World War II as a voice for peace by some of the scientists who developed the then ultimate weapon of mass destruction. Now, its mission has drifted into being an echo chamber for the US imperial project urging President Biden to take even more destabilizing actions against […]

Urgent Need for  Disarmament Efforts As Threat From Nuclear Weapons Is Increasing

            On August 6, as  the world  observes Hiroshima Day (the 76th anniversary of the first-ever use of an atomic weapon in Hiroshima) , serious concerns regarding the threats from nuclear weapons are increasing in the middle of new tensions and power rivalries. We should not be misled into a false sense of security that the reduction in the number[Read More...]

 Who Told a US President to Nuclear Bomb Women and Children? Watch Out! They Might Do It Again!      

Shall we understand that US crimes against humanity, including the use of nuclear weapons on civilians in cities, have been committed in a democracy and under a democratic system of government? Or shall we realize that the source of all this continuing genocidal mayhem and nuclear threat are the wealthy and powerful investors in war headquartered mainly on Wall St.[Read More...]

How John Hersey Blew the Whistle on the Reality of Nuclear War

In this crisply written, well-researched book, Lesley Blume, a journalist and biographer, tells the fascinating story of the background to John Hersey’s pathbreaking article Hiroshima, and of its extraordinary impact upon the world. In 1945, although only 30 years of age, Hersey was a very prominent war correspondent for Time magazine—a key part of publisher […]

Denying the Demonic

In March of last year as the coronavirus panic was starting, I wrote a somewhat flippant article saying that the obsession with buying and hoarding toilet paper was the people’s vaccine.  My point was simple: excrement and death have long been associated in cultural history and in the Western imagination with the evil devil, Satan, […]
The post Denying the Demonic first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Biggest Lies of the Impeachment Saga

Mises Institute, February 20, 2021 The Biggest Lies of the Impeachment Saga by James Bovard The Senate impeachment trial of former president Donald Trump confirms historian Henry Adams’s adage a century ago that politics “has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.” The impeachment process was a farce that should fortify Americans’ disdain for Washington. Considering […]