
Why Trump Will Probably Win Re-Election

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at The Saker
Throughout this election-season in the United States, there have been many indications that the stupid voters who chose Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in 2016 are doing it yet again and chose Joe Biden over Sanders, and that they thus handed Trump the victory in 2016 and are repeating that performance in 2020. A new poll shows it clearly.

Hillary Clinton 2020?

Hillary Clinton is using a myriad of Trump controversies to position herself for a potential rematch against Trump in the 2020 presidential elections. (MPN) Speculation is mounting that former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is seeking to make a “comeback” and challenge Donald Trump a second time in the next U.S. presidential election of 2020. Rumors of another […]

IG Horowitz can’t help but LAUGH when asked if Hillary Clinton committed “no crimes” (Video)

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz knows Hillary Clinton is guilty.
Rep. Eric Salwell (D-CA)…who you may recognize from the many intellectual beat downs he has received at the hands of Tucker Carlson, knows Hillary is guilty.
The guy sitting in back of Horowitz knows Hillary Clinton is guilty.
Check out the video below to see all the smiles surrounding Hillary’s obvious guilt. Remember to Please Subscribe to The Duran’s YouTube Channel.