Hillary Clinton

Trump Strikes Back at ‘Ringleader’ Brennan

By Ray McGovern • Consortium News • August 15, 2018 There’s more than meets the eye to President Donald Trump’s decision to revoke the security clearances that ex-CIA Director John Brennan enjoyed as a courtesy customarily afforded former directors. The President’s move is the second major sign that Brennan is about to be hoist on his […]

Senator Mark Warner Proposes the End of Free Speech – The Revenge of Hillary

By Martin Armstrong | Armstrong Economics | August 13, 2018 Senate Democrats are circulating a proposal based upon their claim of Russian hacking that will completely takeover the internet and social media which has been leaked. They are adopting the EU approach to silence political criticism. They claim it is necessary, just as the EU argued, […]

Beyond The DNC – Leaks, Hacks, and Treason

People have been divided about the DNC hack-leak ever since the story began with the Chalupa-Isikoff article. These divisions run so deep they mark where people stand politically. Mutually exclusive positions range from whether or not Russians hacked the DNC or if the information was downloaded and then leaked, presumably by Seth Rich.  All three are different positions.
This article culminates what I’ve learned about the hack-leak and the Information Operation surrounding this. It presents a much different perspective.