Hillary Clinton

U.S. civil war: The globalist elites vs. the deplorables (Video)

RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou discuss The Civil War on America’s Horizonand how Trump and his critics despise each other…now all that is needed is a spark to turn a cultural divide into a much deeper and more dangerous internal conflict.
Remember to Please Subscribe to The Duran’s YouTube Channel.

Despite Caving on Superdelegate Votes, Democratic Leaders Stick With Old Wine in Old Bottles …

The challenge by progressives to Democratic party leaders for November’s midterms—and the 2020 presidential election—is to tone down the anti-Trump focus and play up domestic planks as did the Great Depression’s president Franklin D. Roosevelt (“FDR”) to solve the nation’s critical domestic needs. Campaigners do not want to waste time and energies in yet another party defeat because the party continues to abandon the interests of millions once under its “big tent” in catering to the interests of banks, big business, and the rich.

US: NATO Think Tank Continues Pre-Election Interference

By Rick Rozoff | Ron Paul Institute | August 29, 2018 On August 24 what is in effect the social media warfare division of the Atlantic Council published an article  accusing the Russian television and print news outlet RT of running a one-sided attack against the Democratic Party and several leaders thereof ahead of this November’s politically […]

SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s private email server

Hillary-China collusion? Or maybe a special counsel to investigate Hillary’s negligence with government classified material.
According to The Daily Caller News Foundation, a Chinese-owned company operating in the Washington, D.C., area hacked Hillary Clinton’s private server throughout her term as secretary of state and obtained nearly all her emails.
Via The Daily Caller