Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton Calls for ‘Incivility’ Toward Republicans While the Washington Post Denies Left-Wing Violence Exists, Despite Video Proof

Hillary Clinton, the most recent Democratic presidential candidate and leader of her party, openly endorsed viciousness against her political opponents. She said that civility can return once Democrats regain some power in the House or Senate.

FBI documents detail Clinton and Mueller’s own ‘Russiagate’ – but they’re classified

RT | October 3, 2018 The FBI is facing new calls to declassify documents relating to the sale of US uranium to a Russian company, documents that could implicate Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and ‘Russiagate’ witch-hunter Robert Mueller. While Clinton and crew relentlessly push the idea that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in the […]

Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit of American Liberalism

The Russians have an expression: words are deeds. Indeed, words contain a mesmeric power, and while this power can be used for good, it can also be used to harness dark and pernicious forces. For as Orwell understood all too well, words can be hijacked by a corrupt ruling class and used to indoctrinate, manipulate, and deceive.

Researcher Takes on Google’s Subversive Electioneering

Sputnik – September 21, 2018 Big tech companies like Google have the power to “shift upwards of 12 million votes with no one knowing they’re doing so,” a research psychologist told Radio Sputnik Thursday, underscoring the influence profit-making firms can have on public elections. That, he said, is too much power for “just a couple […]

Papadopoulos speaks as Maltese Professor Mifsud goes missing

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos was been sentenced to 14 days in prison for lying to the FBI.
Papadopoulos admitted to lying to investigators about conversations he had with the now missing Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, who baited an ambitious and naive Papadopoulos into discussing fairytale Russian government “dirt” on then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump, Ann Coulter, and the Culture of Hysteria

As the establishment’s coup d’etat against the democratically elected government of Donald Trump gathers momentum, readers are invited to read Ann Coulter’s latest book (Resistance Is Futile: How The Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind), which the author says is a “self-help book for liberals,” though their hysteria about Trump will insure that few of them read it.

Tucker Carlson EVISCERATES Stormy Daniels’ creepy lawyer (VIDEO)

“Creepy Porn Lawyer” is the nickname that Tucker Carlson gave Michael Avenatti, the attorney representing the porn star who goes by the name “Stormy Daniels”, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford. Ms. Clifford, as “Stormy”, made a name for herself after the election of President Trump, by alleging that the now-president had relations with her back in 2006, shortly after Mr. Trump married Melania.
This revelation was against the agreement Trump’s attorney at the time, Michael Cohen, had made with the actress, paying her about $130,000 in “hush money.”