Hillary Clinton

LOGICAL RANT: ‘What Russian Interference?’

As the 2018 US Midterms commence this week, it’s worth dusting off this legacy rant by Sunday Wire host Patrick Henningsen who attempts to inject a dose of common sense to try and alleviate America’s chronic “Russia Hacking” (and ‘Russian Meddling’, ‘Russian Interference’, ‘Russian Influence’, ‘Russian Collusion’ et al) condition, exposing it as the Shakespearean tragic-comedy that it truly is, and facing up up the cold reality that Hillary Rodham Clinton may well have run the worse presidential campaign in US history. Can you blame the Russians for that?

Soros Provided $1 Million to Group Linked to Fusion GPS Who Advanced Fake ‘Trump-Russia’ Investigation

Back in 2017, we learned through a report at the Washington Post that Perkins Coie, an international law firm based in Seattle, was directed by both the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign to retain a shady PR firm called Fusion GPS in order to dig up dirt on then presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The Obscured Truth About the ‘MIGRANT CARAVAN’: Corrupt Coups, Co-Opted Conspiracies & Chaos…

The highly divisive drama in the US, concerning the ‘Migrant Caravan’ from Central America, is clearly being manipulated and stage-managed by the media and by rival propaganda campaigns that are using vulnerable human beings as tools for mass manipulation and division. In fact, this isn’t new: this seems to be a re-run of the 2015-onwards […]

Fact-Checking the Establishment’s “Fact-Checkers”: How the “Fake News” Story is Fake News

It would be an understatement to say that during U.S. President Donald Trump’s term in office, the issue of truth and falsehoods has been a central topic of political discourse. It was a reoccurring issue throughout the 2016 election and has only continued following his unlikely triumph.

The Oligarchs Behind the “Humanitarian” Regime Change Network Now Exploiting Jo Cox’s Death to Push For UK Labour Split

This is Part III of a three-part series on the life and legacy of Jo Cox and the posthumous fund set up in her honor. Read part 1 here and part 2 here. In this final part of the series, we focus on exploring the oligarchs who are driving the NGO and PR nexus aimed at manufacturing consent in Western nations for regime […]

The Breakdown of the American Two-Party System

Trump’s hyper-nationalist propaganda strikes a cultural chord steeped in the myth that capitalism is the economic bulwark of freedom. Yet reality is not as malleable as myth. In fact, capitalism has led to unsustainable economic and social inequalities as well as the degradation of ecosystems and global warming. Faced with these crises, the U.S. two-party system is politically bankrupt, its instability marked by raw political nerves, belligerence and elected office-holding obsession by Washington’s power brokers.

What might the Clinton plan be for getting rid of Trump?

Clinton is not the snore that she appears to be.
She’s a radical, an adept of the Hegelian doctrine of the state knowing what’s best for the individual and for the family. The notion that, “Father knows best,” is a relic. Stone Age vintage.  While Hegel’s disciples may have extended his philosophy to opposite hemispheres – to the Protestant Right and to the Marxist Left – little in Clinton’s book, It Takes a Village, or in her subsequent, expressed views, suggests anything but a militant Marxist perspective.