Hillary Clinton

FBI raids home of whistleblower who had ‘dirt’ on Clinton Foundation, Mueller

RT | December 1, 2018 More than a dozen FBI agents searched for six hours the house of a contractor who had given Congress and the DOJ documents about the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One scandal, implicating then-FBI director Robert Mueller. Sixteen agents showed up at the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain on […]

Tucker Carlson reports migrant caravans very unpopular… in MEXICO!!

One of the biggest running news stories in the United States is about the Central American migrant “caravans” that have been crossing Mexico towards the US borders. The present events seem to be both instigation and tests of the willpower of President Trump, testing his words about not letting anyone cross the border illegally.

House Republicans launch last minute Hail Mary to uncover Deep State crimes (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris take a quick look at the last minute push from House Republicans to investigate crimes, corruption and subversion against now President Trump, committed by the Obama White House, former FBI director James Comey, and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
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Hillary Clinton Ordered To Answer Additional Questions Under Oath About Private Email Server

By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – 11/16/2018 A federal judge has ordered Hillary Clinton to respond to further questions, under oath, about her private email server. Following a lengthy Wednesday court hearing, Judge Emmet G. Sullivan (who is also presiding over fmr. National Security adviser Michael Flynn’s case), ruled that Clinton has 30 days […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 165 Patrick Knowlton on Vince Foster and Brett Kavanaugh

This week Patrick Knowlton joined me to talk about his decades long fight to expose the truth behind the murder of Vince Foster. Patrick talked about what happened on the night of of July 20th 1993 when he stopped to use the bathroom in Fort Marcy Park. Patrick discussed what he saw that night. Patrick talked about his treatment by the FBI and what would became the Fiske Report. Patrick explained how his statements were distorted. Later Patrick talked about his interactions with journalist Ambrose Evans Pritchard.