Hillary Clinton

Is Canada Huawei Arrest Attempt to Sabotage Trump Xi Talks?

By F. William Engdahl – New Eastern Outlook – 19.12.2018 The arrest of the CFO of the China’s largest telecoms equipment company, Huawei, carries hallmarks of deep state or behind-the-scenes sabotage designed to rupture recent progress between US President Trump and China President Xi Jinping on strategic issues. Here are some elements of the case […]

Turkey and Russia Push Towards a Resolution in Syria

By Tom LUONGO | Strategic Culture Foundation | 19.12.2018 Turkish-US relations are terrible and deteriorating by the day despite bromides to the contrary. Actions speak louder than words. And that has been all President Trump seems capable of anymore, words not actions. Since the beginning of l’affair Khashoggi Turkey has been extracting concession after concession […]

Christopher Steele Admits He Was Hired To Help Hillary Challenge 2016 Election

By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – 12/17/2018 Former UK spy Christopher Steele admitted in a London court that he was hired to help Hillary Clinton contest the results of the 2016 election in case Trump won, according to the Washington Times. Steele assembled an anti-Trump “dossier” of opposition research investigative firm Fusion GPS, which was […]

Financial Investigators Testify That Clinton Foundation Operated as ‘Foreign Agent’

In explosive new testimony to the U.S. Congressional House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, a team of financial investigators raised serious questions about the legal status of the Clinton Foundation – presenting evidence that alleges the organization operated as a ‘foreign agent’ and does not qualify as a 501c3 charity.

Trump’s Timidity is Letting Comey Off the Hook

By Ray McGovern • Consortium News • December 4, 2018 Because President Donald Trump has again pulled the rug out from under them, House Republicans face Mission Impossible on Friday when they try to hold ex-FBI Director James Comey accountable for his highly dubious authorization of surveillance on erstwhile Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Comey […]

What Foreign Threats?

The biggest threats to America come from its “friends” By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • December 4, 2018 One of the local Washington television stations was doing a typical early morning honoring our soldiers schtick just before Thanksgiving. In it soldiers stationed far from home were treated to videolinks so they could talk to […]