Hillary Clinton

8 years after Hillary & Sarkozy destroyed Libya, new war aims to unify country (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine the unfolding, and possibly final, conflict in Libya…eight years removed from an American led regime change nightmare, that saw the most prosperous nation in Africa, torn apart and turned into a failed state, terrorist haven, where slave trade is now common practice.
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Putin Derangement Syndrome After Mueller

© Time Magazine By Patrick ARMSTRONG | Strategic Culture Foundation | 09.04.2019 The West – its governments and its governments’ scribes – are obsessed with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Obsessed” is probably too weak a word to describe the years of impassioned coverage, airy speculation and downright nonsense. He is the world’s leading cover boy: military […]

What Conservative Dems-- The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party-- Don't Want

The Green New Deal is complicated and partially abstract and certainly not easy to understand for an idiot. It's aspirational too. Medicare-For-All isn't as complicated, but it's complicated too. You know what's not complicated? Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, a semi-livable wage. That;'s pretty straight forward. But it's something that infuriates conservatives almost as much as the Green New Deal and Medicare For All do.

Russiagate ‘patient zero’ Papadopoulos expects Mueller probe fiasco to expose deep state conspiracy

RT | April 2, 2019 With the Mueller investigation over and the Russiagate DOA, George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign energy adviser, told RT he hopes the truth about the alleged deep state conspiracy will soon come out. Lamenting the “disinformation” encircling the Trump campaign and Russia over the past three years, Papadopoulos explains that the […]

Consortium News’ Record on Russia-gate—How CN Covered the ‘Scandal’: No. 4—‘The Democratic Money Behind Russia-gate’

As Russia-gate continues to buffet the Trump administration, we now know that the “scandal” started with Democrats funding the original dubious allegations of Russian interference, wrote Joe Lauria on Oct. 29, 2017. The Democratic Money Behind Russia-gate By Joe Lauria…Read more →

Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama

By Mitchell Feierstein | The Duran | April 1, 2019 After 675 days, 25 million dollars, 2,800 subpoenas, over 500 witnesses, and more than 500 search warrants, all of which took up the time of 20 prosecutors and nearly 50 FBI agents, Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted the results of his “witch hunt” to the […]