Hillary Clinton

Mueller report takes ‘Russian meddling’ for granted, offers no actual evidence

RT | April 18, 2019 Special counsel Robert Mueller’s ‘Russiagate’ report has cleared Donald Trump of ‘collusion’ charges but maintains that Russia meddled in the 2016 US presidential election. Yet concrete evidence of that is nowhere to be seen. The report by Mueller and his team, made public on Thursday by the US Department of […]

If I Had a Hacker

After Julian Assange’s arrest and the resulting explosion of the internet last weekend, I attempt to pick up some of the pieces.
This past week has been one of those weeks when the internet seemed to explode, as it does every so often. Analyzing the patterns in which the rubble hit the ground after the blast, there is an overwhelming sense of mass confusion. Questions and condemnations are everywhere. Who does he really work for? What are his real interests? Who wants to extradite him, and why?

Tucker Carlson puts Assange’s deeds and arrest in perspective [Video]

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson offered his own analysis regarding the arrest of Julian Assange. Mr. Assange was arrested yesterday, April 11, 2019, after the Ecuadoran Embassy agreed to evict him from their building in London where he lived over the last seven years, a refugee from the American and Western European governments.
This was extensively reported by the mainstream press, but it was done so dishonestly. Tucker Carlson puts the facts back into the equation with his presentation:

Ukraine officials offer evidence of election meddling in favor of Hillary Clinton to Trump’s DOJ (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris take a look at sworn statements from two Ukrainian officials at the Prosecutor General’s International Legal Cooperation Department (uncovered by The Hill’s John Solomon), who state that their agency tried to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Not only was Ukraine actively working to get Hillary elected in 2016, but large money trails leading from Ukraine to the accounts of leading Democrat officials, expose corruption at the highest levels of the Obama Administration.