Hillary Clinton

Two scenarios on Trump-Russia investigators — and neither is comforting

By Sharyl Attkisson – The Hill – 05/21/19 As the investigations into the Trump-Russia investigation proceed, it’s not too difficult to figure out a few of the theoretical starting points. The first and most obvious theory is the one largely promulgated in the media for the better part of two years. It goes something like […]

Forevergate: The Pernicious Persistence of the Russian Collusion Delusion

The official investigation into Russian collusion is over, after three harrowing, nerve-wracking years. I kid, of course. After endless news cycles, and various non-stories and wild-goose chases disseminated by mainstream media, one would think the country could move on. Yet this hasn’t been the case. It seems pretty straightforward: delusions about Russia continue because they serve empire.

FBI’s Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA

By John Solomon – The Hill – 05/09/19 The FBI’s sworn story to a federal court about its asset, Christopher Steele, is fraying faster than a $5 souvenir T-shirt bought at a tourist trap. Newly unearthed memos show a high-ranking government official who met with Steele in October 2016 determined some of the Donald Trump […]

Can AG Barr Unravel The Deep State Coup Against Trump Before 2020 Elections?

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the House Judiciary Committee Democrats vote to hold US Attorney Barr in contempt of Congress for refusing their demands for the unredacted Mueller report and its underlying evidence.
Democrat committee chair Jerry Nadler told reporters that the United States is now in a “constitutional crisis” after a vote along party lines of  22-12.

“This Was Not Spying, It Was Entrapment”: Bongino Spits Fire As Nunes Demands Mifsud Docs

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | May 4, 2019 For over two years, anyone who suggested that the Russia investigation was a sham was harshly ridiculed by establishment mouthpieces as a conspiracy theorist. The notion that the Obama Justice Department (led by Eric “wingman” Holder and then Loretta “tarmac” Lynch) could have conspired with other US […]