Hillary Clinton

The Best Guide for the Perplexed Progressive in 2020 is 2016

The current round of presidential debates is packed with plans, programs, promises, claims and counter-claims. The question, as always, is which candidates are we to believe. The closer we get to an election, unscrupulous candidates tailor what they say to what the voters want to hear. The problem is separating the flimflam pols from the honest ones.

Mueller plays dumb & the failed coup by Clinton stooge Weissmann (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the disaster for the Democrats and the Deep State that was the Robert Mueller testimony. Of course Mueller’s stupidity and lack of knowledge was very much theater.
Now that it has been revealed that Hillary Clinton stooge, Andrew Weissmann, was the man running the two year plus Russiagate hoax, will AG Barr & Co., bring the hoaxster to justice, and will the various pieces to this soft coup against President Trump finally be put together.

A Non-Hack That Raised Hillary’s Hackles

By Ray McGovern – Consortium News – July 22, 2019 Three years ago Monday WikiLeaks published a trove of highly embarrassing emails that had been leaked from inside the Democratic National Committee. As has been the case with every leak revealed by WikiLeaks, the emails were authentic. These particular ones, however, could not have come at a […]

CrowdStrike DNC email hack hoax. Mueller exposed as Deep State hack (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the stunning discovery from Roger Stone’s lawyers showing that the FBI relied on a CrowdStrike draft document to blame Russia for the DNC server hack during the summer of 2016.
Mueller’s collusion investigation hoax falls to complete pieces on the back of evidence showing CrowdStrike never produced a final report on DNC server hacking and the FBI never asked them to produce such a final report.

Biggest American Scandal: Obama’s Role in ‘Spygate’ & ‘Emailgate’

By Ekaterina Blinova | Sputnik | June 19, 2019 While Donald Trump has kicked off his 2020 presidential campaign in Florida reiterating a vow to bring “deep state” figures out into the open, AG William Barr’s “investigation of investigators” is gaining steam. Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel has shared his views on the role of […]