Hillary Clinton

The King of the Hill syndrome and US foreign policy [Video]

Mel Brooks had a famous line in several of his movies: It’s good to be the king. His off-color comedies put this principle into practice to great comedic effect, and although a bit bawdy, the line is certainly memorable. The only problem is that Life does not show that this statement is always true. In fact, quite the opposite. The game King of the Hill, is fun for kids to play, but it is almost always a situation where the “king of the hill” has the most precarious position in the whole game.

CIA Analysts Lawyer Up As Brennan, Clapper Ensnared In Expanding Russiagate Probe

By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – 10/19/2019 CIA analysts involved in the intelligence assessment of Russia’s activities during the 2016 US election have begun to hire attorneys, as Attorney General William Barr expands his investigation into the origins of the Russia probe, led by US Attorney John Durham. The prosecutor conducting the review, Connecticut […]

Tulsi Gabbard CRUSHES a Hillary Clinton, driven insane by phantom Russian trolls (Video)

Failed US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton voiced another Putin inspired conspiracy theory, stating during a podcast that the Russians are “grooming” Hawaii congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard to be a third-party candidate in 2020. Hillary then went on to assert that 2016 Green Party nominee Jill Stein is a Russian asset.
Tulsi hit back at Hillary via twitter, calling the former Obama Secretary of State a “warmonger.”
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‘Queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption’: Tulsi Gabbard DRAGS Hillary Clinton after ‘Russian asset’ claim

Image by Gage Skidmore RT | October 18, 2019 Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) has accused Hillary Clinton of being behind a ‘concerted campaign’ to destroy her reputation and challenged her to stop hiding and enter the 2020 presidential race. “Great! Thank you Hillary Clinton,” Gabbard tweeted on Friday afternoon. “You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment […]

Hillary Clinton Pitches Conspiracy Theory That Tulsi Gabbard, Jill Stein Are Russian Assets

By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – 10/18/2019 Hillary Clinton is still peddling election-related conspiracy theories, this time hinting that 2020 Democratic contender Tulsi Gabbard is being ‘groomed’ to split the Democratic vote as a third party candidate, thus handing the election to President Trump. Speaking with former Obama 2008 campaign manager David Plouffe on his […]

Hillary Clinton on Trump’s Foreign Policy: It’s All About Waiting for His Next Tweet

Hillary Clinton, the former US secretary of state, speaking on Oct. 15, 2019, about China, Syria/Turkey, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and other current US foreign policy points. Moderating is William Burns of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace. CARNEGIE CORPORATION OF NEW YORK
Hillary Clinton glided onto a stage in Manhattan with the luxury of now being a cool-eyed outsider who can sharply question foreign policy decisions being made by the Trump administration on such controversial places as China, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan.