Hillary Clinton

Trump’s Democratic Critics Want it Both Ways on Biden, Clinton

By Thomas L. Knapp | The Garrison Center | November 14, 2019 US president Donald Trump “elevated his political interest above the national interest and demanded foreign interference in an American election,” Peter Beinart asserts at The Atlantic. “What’s received less attention is what the scandal reveals about Joe Biden: He showed poor judgment because his […]

Epstein Story Killed by ABC in 2015: Was It Done to Protect the Clintons?

The saga of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who may or may not have committed suicide in his jail cell in August, goes on and on as cover stories and out-and-out lies continue to surface, mostly coming from the alternative media which clearly do not share the reticence of their mainstream competitors. The most recent revelation concerns ABC news, which had the goods on Epstein and his activities three years ago but refused to run the story, apparently due to pressure coming from some of those prominent individuals who were implicated in Epstein’s procuring of young girls for sex.

Ukraine 2016 election collusion inches closer to Obama White House (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the numerous, documented meetings between the Obama White and Ukraine-DNC consultants during the 2016 US presidential campaign.
Detailed visitor logs reveal that a Ukrainian expert Alexandra Chalupa, a contractor that was hired by the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election, visited the White House 27 times.

John Brennan’s CIA Trump Task Force

Could it become Obamagate? By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • November 12, 2019 There is considerable evidence that the American system of government may have been victimized by an illegal covert operation organized and executed by the U.S. intelligence and national security community. Former Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper, former CIA Director John […]

Tulsi Gabbard Demands Clinton Retract ‘Defamatory’ Russia Smear

By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – 11/11/2019 Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) on Monday demanded that Hillary Clinton retract ‘defamatory’ comments alleging that the 2020 presidential candidate is a favorite of the Russians, according to The Hill. “Your statement is defamatory, and we demand that you retract it immediately,” wrote Gabbard’s attorneys in a letter, demanding […]

When Did Tulsi Gabbard Become a Russian Asset?

On October 17th, Hillary Clinton did an hour-long podcast interview with David Plouffe, who had been Barack Obama’s 2008 Campaign Manager, and she spent over half the time on the topic of Russia’s destroying American democracy by using minor political parties to draw votes away from Democratic candidates but not away from Republican candidates, and she also accused Russia of using the internet in order to deceive Democratic Party voters into not voting, or else to vote for more-progressive third parties instead of for the Democratic Party’s nominees.

Hocus Pocus Halloween Horror! Hillary Clinton Still Hopes to Ride Her Broomstick into the White House

Make no mistake about it: Hillary Clinton still craves the Presidency of the United States and she is convinced she can get it: Her strategy is all drawn up and she is ready to launch yet another Russia-hating witch hunt lie that would put Senator Joe McCarthy to shame. What a prospect for Halloween 2020!
Fittingly, the Arch Witch of the West’s latest Lust for Power grab was signaled by her husband, former President Bill Clinton the day before Halloween.

The Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal And How The Media Covered It Up

By William Craddick – Disobedient Media – January 25, 2017 Contrary to reports in the media, the crowd sourced investigation labeled by some as “Pizzagate” did not begin with internet sleuths digging through the Wikileaks Podesta Files releases looking for pizza parlors and encoded language discussing human trafficking. It began with the shocking discovery that Hillary […]