Hillary Clinton

The Carter Page/Ukraine Lie That Kept On Lying for Mueller and the FBI

By Paul Sperry – RealClearInvestigations – December 12, 2019 The FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller repeatedly kept alive a damning narrative that investigators knew to be false: namely, that a junior Trump campaign aide as a favor to the Kremlin had “gutted” an anti-Russia and pro-Ukraine plank in the Republican Party platform at the […]

Trump Was Right: NATO Should Be Obsolete

The three smartest words that Donald Trump uttered during his presidential campaign are “NATO is obsolete.” His adversary, Hillary Clinton, retorted that NATO was “the strongest military alliance in the history of the world.” Now that Trump has been in power, the White House parrots the same worn line that NATO is “the most successful Alliance in history

State Dept docs connect Clinton & Nuland to Steele, Ukraine & Libya (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss documents uncovered by Judicial Watch, which reveal a long and extensive relationship between fake Russiagate dossier author Christopher Steele and top Obama State Department officials, including the architects of the Libya and Ukraine regime change operations.

Trump, Clinton Show Russia How to Really Interfere

Never mind obscure troll farms and byzantine cyber-hacking (we’re being ironic here), Russia needs to really raise its game for “interfering” in other nations’ politics. Like, how about President Vladimir Putin going on a national radio show in Britain and telling voters how to vote in the forthcoming election? Now that’s what you call real, in-your-face influence!