Hillary Clinton

Clinton Accuses Zuckerberg of Having ‘Authoritarian’ Views on Misinformation

Sputnik – 27.01.2020 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in an interview over the weekend that Mark Zuckerberg’s views on misinformation on his Facebook platform are “authoritarian.” Clinton told The Atlantic magazine during the Sundance Film Festival that she believes Zuckerberg’s Facebook is “not just going to reelect Trump, but intend[s] to reelect Trump.” The […]

The Mugging of Bernie Sanders

Beginning on Jan. 15, Bernie Sanders has been the victim of a Jeremy Corbyn-style mugging. Elizabeth Warren started it by teaming up with the ghouls at CNN to accuse him of saying that a woman could never win the presidency. Joe Biden followed up by charging his staff with doctoring a video to make it look like he favors cutting Social Security. Finally, Hillary Clinton joined in the pile-up by calling him ineffectual, duplicitous, and a misogynist to boot.

Former Brazilian President Lula da Silva: Obama, Hillary Ordered Me Not to Negotiate with Iran

He was the world’s most popular leader. Now he is “the world’s most prominent political prisoner” according to American political philosopher Noam Chomsky. From extremely humble beginnings as a peanut seller and a shoeshine boy on Brazil’s streets, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva rose to become president of his nation in 2002. Yet he is now being kept hostage by the country’s fascist Bolsonaro administration.

Hillary Puts Bernie Into Her Basket of Deplorables

By Pat Buchanan • Unz Review • January 24, 2020 “Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician.” So says Hillary Clinton of her former Senate colleague and 2016 rival for the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders. Her assessment of Sanders’ populist-socialist agenda? “It’s all just […]

Defamation suit aims to stop Hillary and her ‘powerful elite friends’ from silencing patriotic Americans, Gabbard says

RT | January 23, 2020 Suing Hillary Clinton for defamation is necessary in order to keep the former first lady and her powerful allies from smearing Americans who seek “peace and freedom” for all, Tulsi Gabbard has argued. The Democratic presidential hopeful released a scathing statement in defense of her suit against Clinton, noting that […]

Aliens? The Cannabis culture? No, just Democrats [Video]

A picture is worth a thousand words. That ought to be really good for all the readers who do not like reading my longer articles. However a video is worth a thousand pictures. That being said, let’s have a look at what the Democrats are doing this week, and do a sanity evaluation.
We have two tasty treats. The first one is straight from the Compleat Fake Impeachment Trial, which we probably ought to rename Romper Room on Acid. See for yourself: