
The Bizarre & The Absurd You Missed in Point Break (1991) – Jay Dyer

If you like this analysis, purchase my best selling book here, SIGNED!By: Jay Dyer
What is your breaking point?  Could you hang ten, rob banks, outwit the western seaboard FBI and throw a kickass beach party, all in the same day?  The forces of chaos, anti-establishment and nostril-flaring ferocity can – and do on a regular (summer) basis, as Point Break showed us.  While the lure of the dark tide might sound tempting, there are also the forces of justice, honor and college football.

The Book That Deconstructs Hollywood’s Hidden Illuminati Messages – Jay Dyer

Rex invited me back on the Leak Project to discuss Esoteric Hollywood.
“On the forefront of Hollywood Esoterica – Jay has been decoding the symbology and subliminal programming imbedded in many Films and TV shows.
From Age of Ultron to the Shining Mr Dyer’s astute approach toward deciphering codes in Hollywood is unmatched and second to none.”

Esoteric Hollywood: Jay w/Tim Kelly – Propaganda Decoded

“Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his recently released book Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film. We begin by talking about Jay’s concluding lecture in his Tragedy & Hope series and then move on to discuss Hollywood and its role in social engineering and shaping culture. The discussion involves Tinsel Town’s ties to the Occult, intelligence agencies, military and organized crime and the film industry’s role in perception management.