
Ready Player One – Esoteric Occult Symbolism Decoded – Jay Dyer

Spielberg’s latest gnostic allegory is the presentation of reality as Un-reality. While the film does close with an anti-transhumanist / anti-VR obsession message, the film’s narrative focuses on pop culture symbolism, predictive programming, esoteric and archetypal myths and the summation in man’s apotheosis through technology and eternal psychodrama.
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Weinstein’s Hollywood & Stephen King’s ‘IT’ – A Curious Parallel (Video)

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire

Harvey Weinstein is being portrayed as the root of all problems in Hollywood – “patriarchal males” – as if this were solely a feminism issue. The root problem is much worse, which is the systematic using of people and children, as well as promoting a mass agenda that is intent on the psychosexual damaging of humanity, globally.

Stanley Kubrick & Hollywood As A Weapon – Jay Dyer on Down the Rabbit Hole

On this edition of DTRH Popeye welcomes to the broadcast researcher, comedian, and author Jay Dyer. The two of them have a very in depth conversation about some of the topics, films, and people Jay discusses in his book titled ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD. A more fitting description could not be found of the book than that of the author himself.