
East Timor: a lesson in why the poorest threaten the powerful

John Pilger returns to the once silent issue of East Timor, a tiny country rich in resources and ravaged by its neighbour, Indonesia, with the help of the Indonesian dictators western sponsors. And yet East Timor broke free. President Obama's threats to China once again highlight the undeclared power of small, impoverished countries.

The dirty war on WikiLeaks is now trial by media in Sweden

In an article for the Guardian in London, John Pilger describes the attacks on WikiLeaks and the smearing of its editor Julian Assange that now permeate much of the Swedish media. A decision by the UK Supreme Court on Assange's extradition to Sweden is now imminent, over which hangs the prospect of his transfer to the United States where a fabricated indictment awaits him.

The world war on democracy

John Pilger argues that, behind its democratic facade, the true nature of western political culture is that of American-led violence and ruthlessness in the cause of enduring dominance. He pays tribute to Lisette Talate, who has died. A Chagos islander forcibly expelled from her homeland by Britain in order to make way for a US military base, her resistance and that of people like her all over the world offer real hope, not the counterfeit slogans of those like Barack Obama.