
America, The Narco Terrorist State, 1963-2017?

‘Donald Trump could not go after Hillary’s criminality without the permission of the US Military and Intelligence services. Catherine Austin Fitts
‘The NSA has all of Hillary’s emails. It might be the source of the leak.’  Whistleblower William Binney. Binney was the original architect of the NSA’s surveillance program.
“Hillary has to go to jail.”  Donald Trump.
Lock her up! Lock her up! A chant from protesters outside the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

The War In Afghanistan is a Good Thing – If You’re A Heroin Dealer

(MINTPRESSThe “War on Drugs” and the “War on Terror” are more intertwined than that media and our elected officials would like us to think.
And this became full front and center when the U.S.-led global crusades overlapped in Afghanistan, leaving in their wake a legacy of death, addiction and government corruption tainting Afghan and American soil.

House Overwhelmingly Passes Opioid Abuse Bill

On July 8, the House approved an agreement between itself and the Senate on bipartisan legislation intended to tackle the burgeoning opioid crisis in America.
Following the 407-5 vote, the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA) is expected to move quickly through the Senate and head to President Barack Obama’s desk to be signed into law.

The Night Belongs to the Homeless

The homeless people’s suffering belongs to amusement of our political order under a game over the right of marginalized group being transformed into citizens for merely punishment and humiliation. The Public Space Protection Orders is a penalty over one’s condition suffering – it is a fine over the disempowered for being disempowered. This act allows power to fragment the homeless into sub-humans punishable for the state of utter misery.
— Bruno De Oliveira

Peace Revolution episode 092: The National Security Coup / From Barry Seal to 9-11

  Peace Revolution episode 092: The National Security Coup / From Barry Seal to 9-11 to listen to this episode on podOmatic: http://peacerevolution.podomatic.com/entry/2016-05-26T11_48_08-07_00 T&H Liberty Threads: Weave Your Conversations Around Freedom Available in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles https://teespring.com/stores/TragedyandHope (New Video Series) The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness / Now available on Patreon

Will the DEA Choose to Reschedule Marijuana this Summer?

The list of states that have decriminalized marijuana for medical use is growing, but there are still many rules and stipulations which make it incredibly expensive and difficult for patients to actually get their hands on cannabis. Marijuana’s classification as a Schedule I drug has been a major hurdle for drug researchers seeking to understand the full benefits of the herb, but that might change in a few short months.