Henry Paulson

The Failure Of Marco Rubio's Neocon Foreign Policy Agenda

Marco Rubio appears young. And he should; he was born in 1971. Donald Trump, the oldest Republican in the race, unless you count 70-year-old George Pataki, had already graduated from Wharton, joined his father's real estate company and was getting into serious trouble with the Justice Department for violating the Fair Housing Act. By covering up his bald spot with a weave a couple of months ago, Rubio appears even younger and more boyish.

Barney Frank Drops A Financial Crisis Bombshell; The Press Responds With Silence

by Gaius PubliusI can't take credit for this, though I wish I could. David Dayen, who writes at Salon, has been reading Barney Frank's new book Frank and also its reviews. Dayen is one of the most knowledgeable writers on the mortgage and financial crises — both. (Note to readers: It's not a financial crisis if there's no mortgage crisis.

Capitalists Take on Climate Change

The climate change/global warming issue has been in the mainstream for decades, but it still lacks the resonance required to turn heads. Maybe, in part, because it is doubtful the average American could name more than one climate change advocate (it’s all about leadership) other than Al Gore, and in large measure that’s because of his academy award winning film, An Inconvenient Truth (Paramount, 2006).

Since 1990 Oil Companies Have Paid Republicans $163,773,719 To Not Believe In Climate Change

My grandfather was a Socialist who was proud to have voted for FDR in 1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944. A couple of decades after his last vote for Roosevelt, I had come on the scene and he told me too never trust the Democrats. No, he hadn't turned Republican, of course, he just saw how the corporate warmongers and Southern racists were able to extort effective control over the party on crucial issues. I've usually taken his advice to heart.