Henry Cuellar

Trump Is Too Dangerous-- It's Time For Party Unity... So Why Are Conservative Democrats Still Undermining Progressive Candidates? Really, Why?

Lets keep our eye on the ballWriting yesterday for Vanity Fair, David Drucker: reported that GOP insiders consider the House already lost. "Inside the swamp," he wrote, "Republican operatives have already made their peace with losing the House.

Democrat Congressman tells CNN: Obama tried to keep child migrant crisis “QUIET” (Video)

Representative Henry Cuellar (D-TX) went on CNN to admit that the Obama Administration tried to keep the children migrant crisis on the southern border quiet.
Here is the Texas Democrat calling out (by mistake we can imagine) the Obama administration for its handling of migrant children. Remember to Please Subscribe to The Duran’s YouTube Channel.

Cuellar told CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield…

Pelosi And The DCCC Prepare To Lose Again-- Their Specialty And Only Competence

Will Pelosi and Lujan tell the DCCC to pay for ads like this?Pelosi and her failed and incompetent DCCC chairman Ben Ray Lujan have become incredibly divisive forces in the Democratic Party just as the drive starts to win back the House. The DCCC is now openly admitting the recruit and finance Blue Dogs, "ex"-Republicans, New Dems, anti-Choice fanatics and other from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party.