
CrossTalk: ‘White Helmets, Really?’ with Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett & Patrick Henningsen

21st Century Wire says…
They were tipped for a Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo today, but despite the multi-million dollar PR campaign run 24/7 through US and UK media outlets over the last month, the western-funded ‘NGO’ known as The White Helmets came up short. 
On the eve of the award ceremony in Norway, CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle posed a fundamental question:

AN INTRODUCTION: Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex

Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire
Human rights in the West: does the reality live up to the rhetoric? On the surface, the cultural narrative seems innocent enough: billionaire philanthropists, political luminaries and transnational corporations, along with legions of staff and volunteers – all working together in the name of social justice, forging a better, fairer and more accountable world.