
More Bizarre Reports from Las Vegas Massacre Include Possible Helicopter Escape of Rooftop Shooter

Radar tracked a helicopter that hovered at the rooftop of the nearby Delano Hotel moments after the shooting, and then changed directions and sped away. The craft,was broadcasting the identification signal for a Southwest Airlines passenger plane but, since passenger planes do not hover or change directions above hotel rooftops, it is certain that it was broadcasting a false signal to conceal its identity. [...]

Other People’s Countries

For news of the world, peel away from those who follow the daily offerings of bombings and supposed terror attacks, as bulls in the ring chase a red cape to their ritualistic slaughter. Look instead in places like Haiti, where it is easy to discern the lies from the truth. In such places, where no one appears to be watching, the sanctimonious missionaries do not hide their faces as they morph into kidnappers and pedophiles. The bribes are publicly offered and accepted.

Syrian Rebels Kill Five Russian Soldiers in Attack on Helicopter

(MEEFive Russian soldiers were confirmed dead on Monday after their helicopter was shot down over the Syrian province of Idlib, as rebel groups continue to advance against Syrian government forces in the city of Aleppo.
The Russian defence ministry said that an Mi-8 transport helicopter was “shot down from the ground after delivering humanitarian aid to Aleppo”.