Heather Nauert

US Facing Backlash After Voting Against UN Ban on Death Penalty for Being Gay

(ANTIMEDIA)  — Last week, the U.S. was in the minority when it voted against a United Nations (U.N.) resolution encouraging countries to move toward abolishing the death penalty. In addition to arguing against the practice on general principle, the U.N.’s Human Rights Council noted the disproportionate manner in which states tend to use it.

The Awkward Moment When The State Department “Celebrates” Saudi Women Being Allowed To Drive

We’re just happy!” State Department spokesperson Heather Naurt said with a huge grin on her face.
The AP journalist immediately rains on her parade, “Would you still say they [Saudi Arabia] need to do… a lot more with women’s rights?”
“I think we’re just happy today…” she said, this time with a frown, trying to hold back her angry scowl.

State Department’s Heather Nauert insults Lavrov and he HITS BACK

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke earlier about the steps that Russia, the US and Jordan are taking to finalise the deals for the creation of de-escalation zone in areas of south western Syria covered by the recently agreed upon ceasefire. He also spoke of how the guarantors will in communication with both Syrian forces and their enemies from an operations centre to be based in Amman.

BUSTED: US State Department doesn’t care about false flag attacks (VIDEO)

During a press conference, RT’s Caleb Maupin asked US Sate Department Spokeswoman Heather Nauert if US stories about an ‘imminent chemical weapons attack’ will bait terrorist groups into staging one themselves.
Her answer was both arrogant, flippant and factually incorrect as Mr. Maupin pointed out, even as Nauert tried to shut him up.
It has to be seen to be believed.

Dennis Rodman brings The Art of The Deal to North Korea

Dennis Rodman has gifted North Korean officials a copy of Donald Trump’s book on how to win big in business The Art of The Deal. The former professional basketball star is one of the few people on earth who can count Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un as acquaintances. In the case of the North Korean leader, Rodman has called Kim a “friend for life”.