
Study: Sleeping This Many Hours can Damage Your Heart

If you sleep too little, or even too much, you might be doing a lot of damage to your heart. A new study published in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology finds that either of these factors in young to middle-age people – along with poor quality of sleep – raises levels of calcium in the coronary arteries, leading to arterial stiffness.

5 Neat Avocado Oil Uses – A Nutritional and Beauty Supplement

Avocados are a superfood. They’re loaded with nutrients like vitamin K and folate, pantothenic acid, and vitamins B6 and C. They’re so purely good, they’re on the Top 10 list of first baby foods because avocado nutrition fits almost perfectly with a baby’s growing development. What’s more, there are many avocado oil uses anyone can use to both improve health and beautify.

CDC: 3 out of 4 Americans’ Hearts are Older than Their Chronological Age

You may feel young at heart, but your heart may be aging faster than the rest of your body, according to a new CDC study.
Using data from an online tool that determines the age of a person’s heart based on factors like weight, smoking, diabetes, and high blood pressure, CDC researchers found that 3 out of 4 Americans’ hearts are older than their chronological age, putting these individuals at risk for heart disease, stroke and premature death. [1]

Newly Discovered Danger of High Fructose Corn Syrup is Alarming

It’s no mystery that packaged and prepared foods in our grocery stores are full of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Though while more food makers are omitting this ingredient due to health dangers (and consumer demand), some companies are still including this health-damaging ingredient. Now, new troubling scientific studies reveal how high fructose corn syrup-containing foods are causing yet another unwanted side effect – heart failure.