
Leg Slim + Butt Lift Workout!

Leg Slim + Butt Lift Workout! 10 Minute Home Exercises for Beginners with Tiffany
This quick 10 minute workout will tone your legs, slim your inner thighs and bonus– lift your butt, too! It’s only ten mins, so no excuses! Work out with Tiffany at home for a fit, healthy body!
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Tiffany’s Full Body Workout Series:
6 Minute Butt Lift Workout! At home Best Butt Exercises w/ Tiffany

Education, Access to Healthy Food is Key in Ending Junk ‘Food Deserts’

Healthful food choices are becoming increasingly abundant in the United States – this can be exemplified by the fact that organics are booming like crazy. But as many as 23.5 million people in this country don’t have access to this overflow of nutrition because they live in “food deserts” – areas of the country where there are no grocery stores but plenty of mini-marts offering sugar-filled snacks and artery clogging prepared foods. [1]

Coca-Cola Caught Paying ‘Health Leaders’ to Say Soda is ‘Healthy Snack’

Would you like a healthy dose of high-fructose corn syrup with that organic salad? If you’re listening to one of the ‘health experts’ on the payroll of Coca-Cola, this suggestion could in fact be a reality. According to a new report, many health writers, bloggers, and spokespeople are being compensated in order to push toxic soda onto the public as a health drink.

Officials Declare ‘Eating Healthy’ a Mental Disorder

In an attempt to curb the mass rush for food change and reform, psychiatry has green lighted a public relations push to spread awareness about their new buzzword “orthorexia nervosa,” defined as “a pathological obsession for biologically pure and healthy nutrition.” In other words, experts are moving toward saying that our demand for nutrient-dense, healthful food is a mental disorder that must be treated.

Sorry Monsanto: Organic Food Demand is Absolutely Exploding

Perhaps you remember a time not too far in our collective grocery-shopping past when regular grocery stores chains and places like Walmart had no idea what organic food was. Organic milk? Bread? Produce? They didn’t carry it. You had to find an obscure health food store or a farmer’s market if you didn’t live near a Whole Foods to find non-GMO, healthful food that wasn’t full of pesticides. But thankfully, consumers are demanding different products now. Demand for organic food has busted through its glass ceiling.