Healthcare Reform

Another Natural Cure For Cancer. Why Haven’t You Heard About It?

Chemotherapy is very expensive. And statistically speaking, it does not cure cancers any better than doing nothing. Cancer quacks can buy chemo drugs at a reduced price and sell it to their patients at a 300 to 400% markup.
Compare this to Salvesterols. Most people never heard of them. Why? No money in them because they are free.

Healthcare Reform, Insurance And Self-Determination

Healthcare in America before and after Obama has been organized for the benefit of Big Pharma and Wall Street. Americans paid $3.8 trillion last year for healthcare but they get less than any industrialized nation. America has 31% of the total population of the 34 most industrialized nations. The US has 38% of live births but 60% of all the infants in the 34 industrialized world who are born and die in their first 24 hours do so in the USA.
We do have talented doctors and nurses who are equipped to save lives but the cost is prohibitively high and the overall results are meager.

Healthcare Reform, Insurance And Self-Determination

Healthcare in America before and after Obama has been organized for the benefit of Big Pharma and Wall Street. Americans paid $3.8 trillion last year for healthcare but they get less than any industrialized nation. America has 31% of the total population of the 34 most industrialized nations. The US has 38% of live births but 60% of all the infants in the 34 industrialized world who are born and die in their first 24 hours do so in the USA.
We do have talented doctors and nurses who are equipped to save lives but the cost is prohibitively high and the overall results are meager.

Will The NSA, The IRS, Obamacare And An Army Of Hackers = a Cypriot Style Bail-In?

The kick the can down the road approach to the American deficit did nothing about the 915 billion dollars the US adds every month to its total of unfunded liabilities which was 221 trillions dollars just a few months ago. The Republican attempt to either delay Obamacare for a year or to repeal it altogether failed. An Internet radio host with good sources within the Republican party was told the party folded because the American people are not quite bright enough to see how bad Obamacare will be.

Barack Hussein Obama, You Are A Buffoon.

Shakespeare said ‘All the world is a stage’ but why do I have to be shamed by a President who plays the part of a buffoon in the final act of the play called world history. I knew when I was 8 years-old that I was born in a dying land. That is why I never married and had children. What’s the point? America was through. It had no future. Sure. There will always be a remnant. Some younger people can and will survive.
I have made plans for the survivors that they may live and prosper but I personally would prefer not to be amongst them.

Video: Enzymes, Cancer And Healthy Blood Pressure

Economic collapse is nigh. All those cyber attacks on the market exchanges were designed to convince you that when the time comes an Iranian hacker and not Goldman Sachs stole your bank account. When, not if, the dollar, the government and the health care systems all collapse, you will have to learn to treat cancer, arthritis, heart disease and every other ailment. I suggest you start with John Bergman’s YouTube channel. I will give you a head start by giving you some notes on a few of his lectures which I posted below. You can read these notes in a few minutes.

Video. The True Cost of Healthcare. Ripping Off A Nation

The following talk on runaway healthcare costs is from a lecture given by Dr David Belk. The 54 minute video is below.
Example One. Amlodopine is used to treat high blood pressure. It costs the patient $10 a month to buy through his insurance carrier. Without insurance Walgreens sells a 90 day supply for  $12  and Costco charges $28.95 for a year. Most brand name medications are 100 times more expensive than their generic counterparts.