Health & Nutrition

U.K. Becomes Latest Country to Ban Covid Boosters for Under-50s

by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic: Covid booster doses will no longer be available to healthy people under 50 from next month, the Government has said. The reason given by the JCVI, the Government’s vaccine advisory body, is because “the transition continues away from a pandemic emergency response towards pandemic recovery”. A number of countries have imposed similar […]

The ‘Big Kill Off’ Is Well Under Way As Bizarre Cancer’s Spike And Unheard-Of Diseases Emerge – This Is Way More Than People Just ‘Dying Suddenly’ But The Full-Fledged Desecration Of Humanity

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline: While the alarming story over at Dr. Paul Alexander’s substack newsletter this morning is titled “Yes, the ‘BIG KILL OFF’ is coming, booked, due to these fraud deadly COVID shots & we drag Bourla & Bancel (Pfizer & Moderna) into courtrooms,” it’d be more accurate to say it’s ALREADY HERE and as one […]

Australian Media Reports Surge in Fatal Cardiac Arrests – Dismisses Covid Vaccine Link

from InfoWars: Despite the likely correlation, don’t expect the mainstream media to own up to the damage caused by the experimental jab they’ve been paid to promote. Media outlets in Australia took note of a sudden increase in fatal cardiac deaths within the past few months, however they downplayed links to Covid jabs which have […]

FAA Won’t Divulge Data Behind Pilot Heart Arrhythmia Decision

from ZeroHedge: The Federal Aviation Administration recently widened the acceptable range for heart rhythms for commercial pilots based on “new scientific evidence” which they won’t disclose, according to Just the News, which reached out to the agency for comment. Specifically, the agency raised the maximum “PR” interval for first-degree atrioventricular block to 300 milliseconds for pilots of […]

‘Dead Name’ Documentary Exposes Secret Trans Indoctrination Cult Teaching Kids to Want Gender Transition Surgery

from InfoWars: FIlm follows stories of three different parents who had their lives changed after their children were indoctrinated into thinking they were born the wrong gender. A powerful documentary film sheds light on the secret indoctrination plunging young children into a gender dysphoria mindset that sometimes culminates in radical sex reassignment surgeries. The documentary Dead […]

Secret Pfizer & Gov. Documents confirm Millions have died Worldwide as ADE and VAED due to COVID Vaccination sweeps the Globe

by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose: Confidential documents reveal that within months of receiving the initial doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, some individuals are developing Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED). And as if that weren’t alarming enough, official documents also prove that a mysterious form of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is also appearing […]