Health & Lifestyle

Watch: Are England’s Forests Disappearing?

(REPORT) — If has been a year of bad omens for the UK’s natural world.
One in ten wildlife species are now at risk of extinction, the landmark State of Nature report announced in September. In sheer numbers, one in six of the country’s animals, birds, fish and plants have already been lost.
The UK is now “among the most nature depleted countries in the world”, it warned.
Into this state of affairs, entered Brexit.

2016 Goes To Pot: Colorado Cannabis Sales Top $1 Billion & Oregon Sales Defy Expectations

Farmworkers transport newly-harvested marijuana plants, at Los Suenos Farms, America’s largest legal open air marijuana farm, in Avondale, southern Colorado, Oct. 4, 2016. (AP/Brennan Linsley)
DENVER — Legal cannabis is booming, and with Colorado netting $1 billion in legal, regulated sales in the first 10 months of 2016, the industry’s growth isn’t showing any signs of slowing.

Brazil’s Post-Coup Government Moves To Scrap Environment Regulations

An aerial shot shows the contrast between forest and agricultural landscapes near Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. (Flickr/Center For International Forestry Research/Kate Evans)
(REPORT) — The Brazilian government is attempting to scrap two important environmental regulations which environmental and Indigenous activists say will have a disastrous effect on efforts to fight climate change and put Indigenous communities in danger.

Iowans Make U-Turn Against Trump In Dakota Access Pipeline Fight

Dakota Access pipeline protesters march from the Polk County Courthouse to a public meeting space to hold a rally Dec. 15, 2016 in Des Moines, Iowa. The protests came after a judge heard arguments in a lawsuit filed by several Iowa landowners who challenge forceful taking of their land for the pipeline and challenge the state’s permit process. (AP Photo/David Pitt)