
Finsbury Park: On Whitewashing The ‘White Crusade’

A member of the English Defence League far right group has his tattoo displayed during a protest outside the Houses of Parliament in London, Oct. 27, 2012. (AP/Matt Dunham)
London was struck by another terrorist attack on Monday morning. A white supremacist murdered a man and injured at least eight other people, ramming a van into a group of Muslims leaving the Muslim Welfare House in Finsbury Park after Taraweeh prayers.
Witnesses said the attacker was shouting that he wanted to “kill all Muslims”.

Trump Denounces Islamophobic Attack, Critics Say Too Little, Too Late

Coco Douglas, 8, leaves a sign she painted at a memorial two bystanders who were stabbed to death Friday while trying to stop a man yelling anti-Muslim slurs and acting aggressively toward two young women. (AP/Gillian Flaccus)
President Donald Trump on Monday condemned the fatal stabbings of two Good Samaritans, who tried to stop a man from harassing a pair of women who appeared to be Muslim.
A third man who also came to the aid of the women suffered serious wounds in the attack on a Portland commuter train on Friday, hours before the start of Ramadan, Islam’s holy month.

The War on Islam: Irrational U.S. Behavior or Calculated Zionist Plan?

Is the belligerent U.S. enmity toward Islam an expression of the Jewish Zionist control of the United States? The second question is equally as pertinent as the title’s question. Recalling the Crusades, is it not legitimate to question whether we are witnessing a replay of Pope Urban II and over two centuries of pillaging European wars on the people of the Eastern Mediterranean under the pretext of liberating the “holy land” from Muslims? Is the analogy of a replay true or false?

Trump’s Election Sees More Than 1,000 Hate Crimes In A Month

A demonstrator holds a banner as they protest in Pennsylvania Avenue outside of the Trump Hotel in Washington in opposition of President-elect Donald Trump, on Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016. ( AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
Over 1,000 hate crimes have been reported since Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election, the rate dropping since the days after election day but over a third of them still making reference to Trump.