Hate Crime Hoax

Sean Samitt Told Police He Was Stabbed for Being Jewish, But His Apple Watch Caught Him in a Lie. He Later Admitted His Wound Was Self-Inflicted

Officers obtained information from Samitt's cellphone health application that was synced to his Apple Watch, confirming he lied. Samitt then admitted to intentionally stabbing himself. He has been charged with falsely reporting a felony, which carries a potential sentence of four years.

Black Pilled - The Strange Mail Bomber Motive & Megyn Kelly Fired After "Blackface Apology" - Hour 1

Devon Slack, AKA Black Pilled author of the novel "Day of the Rope," joins Henrik to talk about how the strange motive of the Mail Bomber will be used to silence critics of globalists and initiate more censorship and restrictions online. Trump's critique of the press has been used - by the press - as the reason for why CNN received a supposed bomb in the mail. It has yet not been established if the bombs were functioning or not or if this was intended as a hoax.

“I Did Write It”: Waiter Admits Faking Viral Racist Note on Receipt

Odessa, Texas: Khalil Cavil, 20, a server at Saltgrass Steakhouse, claimed that customers with a bill of more than $108 refused to leave him a tip and wrote on the receipt, "We don't tip terrorists."  Several days later, Cavil admitted he wrote the note and that it was a hoax, but gave no reason for his actions. [...]