Harvey Wasserman

Nation Must Prepare To Vote By Mail

Americans hoping for a clean, fair, and reliable vote count this fall must pay attention to how their state and local officials intend to handle this election.-by Harvey WassermanThe more we learn about COVID-19, the more likely it seems most of us will be voting by mail this fall. Voting in person has become, and will likely remain, too dangerous.Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Colorado and Utah have long been voting by mail.

How YOU Can Help Dump Trump!-- A Guest Post By Harvey Wasserman

Strangling Democracy by Nancy OhanianGrassroots action’s immense upset victory in Wisconsin shows we can overcome even a rigged election.In November, you must do it again.When Trump tries to steal or cancel the election, our informed non-violence must rise to protect and win it.Neither the human race, nor American dem

As Wisconsin Goes, So Goes The November Election?

Are Republicans still hoping for coattails?If there was no cheating and fraud, I'd take the bet that Wisconsin gives Biden its 10 electoral votes as part of an anti-Trump electoral college landslide. But even with the cheating and fraud the GOP depends on for electoral victories, Wisconsin could still pull it out for the U.S.A. In 2016 Bernie won the presidential primary in Wisconsin.

Trump’s “Perfect Plan” To Become Dictator In November Runs Through 12-18 Swing State Legislatures

by Bob Fitrakis, Joel Segal and Harvey WassermanDonald Trump’s “Perfect Plan” to become dictator in November now runs through 30 Republican-controlled state legislatures, with the pivot in 12-18 swing states.Anyone hoping for any remnant shreds of human rights and personal freedom has just seven months to stop the terminal destruction of what’s left of American democracy. Nothing is hidden or a surprise.

Will Trump’s GOP Finally Kill American Democracy?

-by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey WassermanFor Donald Trump’s GOP followers, the real issue in the 2020 election is democracy itself.They want it abolished.Their primary allies are the Coronavirus, state legislatures like those in Ohio and Wisconsin, and the US Supreme Court.The campaign just hit a new level in Wisconsin. Using the Pandemic, its gerrymandered GOP legislature made voting in the April 7 primary as dangerous as possible.

The Pandemic Could Get Worse In A Way That No One Has Been Thinking About-- A Guest Post From Harvey Wasserman

Most people who are familiar with Harvey Wasserman probably know him because of his groundbreaking work as an anti-nuke and alternative energy activist, working going all the way back to the '70s when he helped organize the big "No Nukes" concert after the Three Miles Island accident.