Harry Enten

Texas A Swing State? Finally!

Tomorrow's a big day in Texas-- runoffs for the primaries. Two congressional races with progressive candidates are up for grabs-- TX-10 (Travis-Harris county corridor) and TX-24 (-- where, respectively, Mike Siegel faces moderate vanity candidate Pritesh Gandhi and Candace Valenzuela (Kenny Marchant's abandoned seat in the suburbs northeast of Ft. Worth and northwest of Dallas) faces moderate Kim Olson.

Trump On Kasich: "Digusting"

According to Harry Enten Trump is adored by the Republican base and their adoration is increasing. His job approval rating among Republicans is 85%. Trump, in fact, has a higher approval rating among Republicans than Obama did among Democrats just before the 2012 New Hampshire primary. "That's probably "why there aren't any potential challengers being named who really have too much of a future in the Republican Party. The biggest name is Ohio Gov. John Kasich.