
She’s back! Brigette DePape, The Senate page who was kicked out for her “Stop Harper” sign

Brigette DePape, the Senate page who held up a “STOP HARPER” sign during the Conservative’s 2011 Throne Speech, and being escorted out by the Sergeant-at-arms for it, was a panelist on the October 6, 2015 episode of TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin, on the topic of The Young and Disengaged, concerning the low youth […]


Image: Israeli authorities on Sunday announced the confiscation of around 4,000 dunums (1,000 acres) of private Palestinian land south of Bethlehem in the southern West Bank. 

 America’s politicians always back Israel because America’s government is constituted on the fallacious and unethical concept that money is free speech when it comes to political campaign contributions – fixed by a Supreme Court whose history includes vigorous support of such other glorious principles as slavery.